SYNERGISE will design, develop, integrate, deploy, test, validate and demonstrate a novel integrated toolkit for collaborative response and enhanced situational awareness (NIT-CRES) at the service of response agencies, which ensures an upgrade to managing of complex incidents. This will encompass a variety of tools and services necessary for: 1) enhancing situational awareness by autonomously exploring indoor and outdoor incident sites for victim identification, while continuously providing information about first responders’ positions, vitals, and analyses of passive and active threats and hazards in the operational area; and 2) improving collaborative response and resource management by sharing and updating the common operational picture among deployed teams, the chain of command, and participating agencies. Notably, the toolkit adheres to privacy, ethical, security, and legal constraints by design, while also considering an increased degree of inclusiveness for its operators. Its setup facilitates collaborative response, addressing standard operating procedures. The NIT-CRES will serve search and rescue personnel, fire brigades, emergency medical, police, and civil protection agencies for extensive testing, training, and validation at component and toolkit levels. This will be conducted within a comprehensive integration, testing, and validation program, including round tables (RTs), collaborative lab tests (CLTs), technical integration workshops (TIWS), component field tests (CFTs), and system field tests (SFTs). The aim is to empower collaborative response and manage complex incidents effectively.