PEN-CP, the Pan-European Network of Customs Practitioners – EU Horizon 2020-funded customs security practitioner project – acts as a European customs innovation boosting network, powered by an innovation-centric online platform and tailored innovation intermediary services. Since the start of the project (September 2018), the project consortium includes the following 13 administrations as full partners (9 EU and 4 non-EU): ALB, AUT, BEL, EST, GBR, HUN, IRL, LTU, LVA, MKD, NLD, NOR and SVK. PEN-CP focusses on accelerating innovation efforts across three core customs technical areas: data and risk management, detection technologies and laboratory equipment. We have a broad variety of innovation and knowledge instruments in use, including technology grants, challenge competitions, innovation awards, annual studies and expert reports. Across our activities, we aim to connect innovation-spirited customs officers, helping them to “find friends in customs innovation”. The vision is to become a permanent customs innovation boosting network, helping to accelerate both incremental and radical innovations for the benefit of customs administrations in Europe and beyond.