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Research Grant Applications

Applications for the new research allowance published

Applications for the new research allowance published

The Certification Office for the Research Allowance (BSFZ) has published the digital application forms for the new tax allowance.As a result, it is now possible for all tax-paying companies to have their personnel costs and costs for contract research in their...

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Positive effects of tax incentives for research

Positive effects of tax incentives for research

According to a recent OECD study, tax incentives are well received by smaller companies in particular compared to direct research fundingAccording to the study, both methods of research funding are very effective measures for promoting science and research in Europe....

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New approach to research funding

New approach to research funding

A complex research landscape like Germany's needs an independent approach to industrial research funding. A look at our research and funding landscape. The funding landscape in Germany is complex and very diverse. Statistically, it is almost impossible to grasp who is...

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Industry benefits from research allowance

Industry benefits from research allowance

Not every company has a research department, but every industrial company and every industry in Germany benefits from the research allowance (FZulG).Tax incentives for research are taking effect at many more companies than is generally known or expected. To strengthen...

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